The twenty-month long project and the research as organic part of it showed that bullying and cyberbullying seem to be burning issues in young people’s communities, and their facilitators are very grateful when they meet non-formal learning tools to try to deal with the topic. The application of theatre and drama proved to be effective to reveal hidden cases in the communities, to raise awareness of the phenomena and to empower young people and their facilitators to seek for solution methods, and start addressing the issue as a problem that needs further intervention.
The strategic partnership showed that the local support and possibilities are determining in terms of the success of an educational theatre project. The reception of our programmes were also different from the education field, in some countries it was easy to access school communities, in others it became the most challenging part. By the many opportunities to meet each other and exchange good practices, we could enrichen our working methods and approaches to bullying, which made the project colorful and inspiring.
There were compromises we needed to make due to the mentioned local characteristics, which made our research methods to become diverse and of different depth.
We would like to express our huge appreciation toward all students, teachers, schools, colleagues, contributors, volunteers, family members and friends whom supported the finalization of this book. Without them it would have never been possible to accomplish all presented results.
For sure, we continue to plan and deliver non-formal learning programs with the application of drama and theatre tools in order to make our societies more inclusive and peaceful. Are you in?