R.U.In? Project Closing remarks

The twenty-month long project and the research as organic part of it showed that bullying and cyberbullying seem to be burning issues in young people’s communities, and their facilitators are very grateful when they meet non-formal learning tools to try to deal with the topic. The application of theatre and drama proved to be effective to reveal hidden cases in the communities, to raise awareness of the phenomena and to empower young people and their facilitators to seek for solution methods, and start addressing the issue as a problem that needs further intervention.

The strategic partnership showed that the local support and possibilities are determining in terms of the success of an educational theatre project. The reception of our programmes were also different from the education field, in some countries it was easy to access school communities, in others it became the most challenging part. By the many opportunities to meet each other and exchange good practices, we could enrichen our working methods and approaches to bullying, which made the project colorful and inspiring.

There were compromises we needed to make due to the mentioned local characteristics, which made our research methods to become diverse and of different depth.

We would like to express our huge appreciation toward all students, teachers, schools, colleagues, contributors, volunteers, family members and friends whom supported the finalization of this book. Without them it would have never been possible to accomplish all presented results.

For sure, we continue to plan and deliver non-formal learning programs with the application of drama and theatre tools in order to make our societies more inclusive and peaceful. Are you in?

CYPRUS: How is technology used in the theatrical intervention CYBER?

TheatrEtc has developed a new theatrical intervention called CYBER,  based on the R.U.In? projects’ innovation, which is designed for the needs of lower secondary education students. CYBER has one major objective: to develop dialogue and critical thinking on the subject of cyber bullying among young people. The choice of the topic has been tightly connected to the choice for the development of an educational intervention that is structure around a social media application that is suited to the needs of the intervention and is only used within the context of the workshop. During the intervention, which lasts two teaching periods, the actors/facilitators have access to two imitation profiles that are created in the specific social media application. The profile constitute the induction of students in the imaginary life of two characters from our story; a story which unfolds with the help of the students as they investigate an incident of cyber bullying. Due to the familiarization of students with the codified language of social media applications, the deciphering of elements needed to give characters their status and structure to the story becomes natural to them. As the storyline unfolds in front of them and inside the classroom, however, they realize that one of the two characters that they «met» online, is sitting amongst them (a role played by an actor/facilitator) while at the same time the second character is isolated at home and refuses to return to school. Throughout this process of discovering details about the story as well as motives and actions hiden within it, the students are at the centre of the process and the narration as they are called upon to play different characters and to manifest their decisions and stances through online communication but also through face to face interaction in real time. The interaction is at its peak during a teachers’ meeting where students play the role of teachers that have a conversation around the ways they can resolve the issue within their school. So far, the execution of the intervention has confirmed our conviction that the new technological means can be used as tools for enriching and supporting educational processes. Nevertheless, the way they are used lays heavily on the abilities, knowledge and concerns of the user who needs to take into serious consideration the needs of the students but also their reality, transporting an experience within the classroom walls that has very clear pedagogical aims while at the same time enriches the students’ contact with the issue through means that are familiar and suitable to them.

TheatrEtc has presented the outputs of the R.U.In? project in March and April 2018.





SERBIA: Symposiums PUSH – Theatre in Schools, Theatre Practices as a Tool for the Prevention of Violence Among Youth

The second symposium PUSH – Theater in Education, Innovative Methods in the Prevention of Peer Violence and Cyberbulling, was held in Belgrade on March 30th and 31st, 2018, in the premises of the Cultural Center of the municipality of Stari grad “Parobrod”. The symposium was organized within the R.U.IN? project, supported by Erasmus + program, that has been
implemented in Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Cyprus.
During the first day of the symposium, a panel discussion titled Internet violence: phenomena and prevention was organized as a first session of the event. The panel was dedicated to the phenomenon of violence among children and youth in the Republic of Serbia and to the usage of
creative methods that have the capacity to influence the reduction and prevention of violence in these social groups, due to the deep potential impact that those methods have.

The panel was followed by the presentation of research about use of theatrical methods in the prevention of bullying, conducted as part of the R.U.IN? project. Closing session of the first day was the good practice example, a projection of the play Ko ti je kriv, Secondary geological-
hydrometeorological school “Milutin Milanković” from Belgrade, with a talk about the work process, motivation and the impact of the play.

The second Symposium day was devoted to the presentation of the Cyber online application which was created within the project and designed as a practical tool for the prevention of internet violence in primary and secondary schools. The application will be applied in Hungary, Romania, Cyprus and Serbia.

Closing session was round table Let Us Hear the Youth:
Experiences of Young People with Theater in Education, with the participation of primary and secondary school students, participants of the project “Togetherness”, school psychologists, representatives of violence prevention groups, pupils’ parliaments, teachers and parents.

Symposium PUSH-Theater in Education was organized by the Center for Drama in Education and Art CEDEUM, in cooperation with the Parobrod Cultural Center and Association Artistic Utopia.

HUNGARY: Bullying – Theatre in Education – Research Conference in Budapest organized by Nyitott Kör

Our program will be available in Hungarian.

Regisztráció a programra: https://goo.gl/forms/AuG1z7g0MMYNCQM52

A Nyitott Kör színházi nevelési társulat az elmúlt 20 hónapban két színházi nevelési előadásán (Stréber, Testképmutogatók) keresztül mérte a módszertan hatását a bullying (iskolai zaklatás, kiközösítés) észlelésére, jellegére és mértékére.

A kutatás azért is számít pionírnak a maga nemében, mert az iskolai célcsoportok keretében végzett hatásmérési kutatások is gyerekcipőben járnak. A színházi neveléssel kapcsolatos kvantitatív és kvalitatív módszereket keverő kutatásra volt már korábban példa (az egyik ilyen a DICE kutatás, 2009-ből). A Benne vagy? (R.U.In?) projekt szintén kevert, és emellett interdiszciplináris módszertanú kvázi-kísérleti vizsgálatnak is tekinthető.

Összesen 70 osztály vett részt a mérésben. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a bántalmazási helyzetekben a diákok ugyanazokat a konfliktuskezelési módokat tartották a legjobb megoldásnak, amit az őket tanító pedagógus korábban, valós konfliktusok során alkalmazott. Milyen szereplői vannak a bullyingnak? Ki ismerheti fel ezeket, kinek a felelőssége tenni a befogadóbb légkörért? Mi a tanár szerepe? Hogyan segít ezekben a kérdésekben a színházi nevelés az eredmények szerint?

A program első napján szeretnénk körüljárni a kutatás hasznát a bullying és a színházi nevelés kapcsán,
A program második napján bemutatjuk a CYBER alkalmazást gyakorlatban, és a cyberbullyingról (a virtuális térben megjelenő zaklatás) gondolkodunk a résztvevőkkel közösen.

Április 13., Jurányi Ház E8 terem
14 – 15.30 óra – a R.U.In? projekt és kutatás bemutatása
Meszlényi-Bodnár Zoltán: a Nyitott Kör Egyesület elnöke
Jozifek Zsófia: a projekt vezetője, interkulturális szakértő, színházi nevelési szakember
Dóczi-Vámos Gabriella: ELTE PPK, Neveléstudomány Doktori Iskola, bullying szakértő
Horváth László: ELTE PPK, Neveléstudomány Doktori Iskola, tudományos segédmunkatárs, kvantitatív adatelemző
Lendvai Lilla: a kutatás vezetője, ELTE PPK, Pszichológia Doktori Iskola, interkulturális szakértő, kvalitatív adatelemző

15.30 – 15.45 óra – szünet

15.45 – 17.00 óra – kapcsolódó területek és kutatások bemutakozása
Dr. Jármi Éva, Oktatási Hivatal – adaptációs szakértő, ELTE-PPK Iskolapszichológia Tanszék – adjunktus: Bullying megelőzés kamaszkorban – az ENABLE iskolai bántalmazás ellenes program bemutatása
Sándor Éva szakpszichológus: a Békés Iskolák Program bemutatása
Baráth Noémi: az Annomentál Anti-bullying protokoll programjának bemutatása

17.00 – 18.00 óra – kerekasztal beszélgetés, vita

Április 14., Jurányi Ház TÁP terem
10-12 óra – CYBER drámaóra a cyberbullying kapcsán
12-12.45 óra – ebéd szünet
12.45-14.30 óra – kerekasztal beszélgetés, digitális eszközök a tanteremben
Fülöp Hajnalka, digitális intelligencia szakértő
dr. Baracsi Katalin, internetjogász

Az esemény minden érdeklődő számára nyitott, elsősorban pedagógusok, tanárok, iskolában dolgozó munkatársak, színházi nevelési szakemberek, kutatók, szülők, ifjúságsegítők részvételére számítunk. A rendezvényen való részvétel ingyenes, de regisztrációhoz kötött.
Regisztráció: https://goo.gl/forms/AuG1z7g0MMYNCQM52

A projekt és a program az Európai Unió Erasmus+ programjának társfinanszírozásával valósul meg.



Let’s face it: we all have experienced bullying in one way or another. Whether as victims, perpetrators, passive observers or those who encourage the bully by laughing, making jokes and also just not doing anything against it – we all are guilty. Well. Maybe the victim isn’t necessarily guilty of being bullied. But you get the point. All of us can do something against bullying. At least we had the chance to, at some point in out lives.


For those of you who feel detached from the topic of bullying there is an opportunity to raise your awareness on it by watching the TV-Show “13 Reasons Why”. If you haven’t watched it yet go ahead and do it now, because in the following I will shortly elaborate on how this Series teaches us about bullying in school and whether it was realistic or not.

Continue reading “TV-Show: “TH1RTEEN R3ASONS WHY””

Bullying poem “She Only Wanted To Be Happy”

We often hear about cases where people are being bullied. Maybe we even witness such things. In order to raise awareness on this toxic topic it is essential to expose the truth and what better way to do that than with art, more specifically poetry.

On my research I stumbled across a terrific poem! It is a poem written for the pre- and intervention of bullying. What I found very alluring about this artpiece is how straight-forward it told the story about a victim of bullying.  Spoiler alert: she finally commits suicide.

While writing about the way she is being bullied and the immediate inherent consequences the author of this poem describes everything in detail – starting from the “knife” with which she “cuts” herself continuing to the “blood on the floor” etc. pp..

Continue reading “Bullying poem “She Only Wanted To Be Happy””

ROMANIA: Eleven Vests of Sigma Art

Edward Bond’s Eleven Vests is structured by Sigma-Art-RO Theatre in Education as a complex educational and social-impact play by exploring young people critical situation in different – also critical – levels who represents nowadays main question about youngsters and future: how they will manage this unexpected and huge who’s coming over them through:

  • Technology, who’s advancing day by day and request them day by day,
  • Communication; despite the invasion of information in our all life’s communication ’tools’ are more and more less present; this is especially because of the lack of Emotional knowledge and culture,
  • The aggressive impact of Social – World – Changes; nowadays young people are living in an continuous physical and mental War?

Continue reading “ROMANIA: Eleven Vests of Sigma Art”